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Pilonidal Sinus Surgery in India

What is it?

A pilonidal sinus means a nest of hairs under the skin over the tailbone. Hairs pass inwards through the little holes (sinuses) in the skin. Germs build up among the hairs, causing pain, swelling and discharge. Sometimes the sinuses like these form near old scars or between the fingers.

The Operation

The aim is to get rid of the hairs and close off the space under the skin. The problems are to get good healing and to stop the pilonidal sinus coming back. There are many operations for this, ranging from very small operations to major plastic surgery operations. In all methods the tissue is taken out. The differences are in the ways of getting the space healed up properly. One way is to let nature fill in the space with scar tissue. Another is to stitch up the space and let the wound heal. You would usually have a general anaesthetic and be completely asleep. For a small operation, numbing the skin with a local anaesthetic injection may be all that is needed. The skin with the sinuses is cut out. The space with its hairs is either cleaned out or is cut out. The space may be left open to fill in from inside to leave a widish scar. Alternatively the space is stitched up to heal with a narrow scar. Bigger operations are designed to move the scars away from the midline. Ask your surgeon which way he finds best. Most operations mean a day or two in hospital. The small operations with local anaesthesia are usually as day visits to hospital.

Any Alternatives

If you leave things as they are, the trouble will remain. It may get better on its own by the time you are 40 years old or so. Burning the deeper tissue with a phenol treatment is an alternative. It does not necessarily lead to better healing than the small operation.

To get free no obligation Quote For Pilonidal Sinus Surgery in India :

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Phone Numbers Reach Us-
India & International : +91-9860755000 / +91-9371136499
UK : +44-2081332571
Canada & USA : +1-4155992537

Before the operation

Stop smoking and get your weight down. (See Healthy Living). If you know that you have problems with your blood pressure, your heart, or your lungs, ask your family doctor to check that these are under control. Check the hospital's advice about taking the pill or hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Check you have a relative or friend who can come with you to hospital, take you home, and look after you for the first week after the operation. Bring all your tablets and medicines with you to hospital. On the ward, you may be checked for past illnesses and may have special tests, ready for the operation. Many hospitals now run special preadmission clinics, where you visit for an hour or two, a few weeks or so before the operation for these checks.

After - In Hospital

There may be some discomfort on moving. Painkilling tablets should easily control this discomfort. If not, you can have painkilling injections. By the end of one week the wound should be just about pain-free. A general anaesthetic will make you slow, clumsy and forgetful for about 24 hours. The nurses will help you with everything you need until you are able to do things for yourself. Do not make important decisions, drive a car, use machinery, or even boil a kettle during this time. The wound may be closed with stitches or paper strips, which need to be taken out by the nurses about 7 to 10 days after the operation. Sometimes there are stitches which are under the skin and which eventually melt away and don’t need to be removed. You can wash, bathe, or shower as soon as the stitches or paper strips are taken off. If you only have stitches in the skin try to keep the wound area dry for a week. Soap and tap water are quite all right. Salted water is not needed. It is important that you pass urine and empty your bladder within 6 to 12 hours of the operation. If you have difficulty, ask the nurses. Some hospitals arrange a check-up about one month after you leave hospital, especially if the testis was removed. The results of the examination of the fluid around the testis will also be ready by then. Others leave check-ups to the general practitioner. The nurses will advise about sick notes, certificates etc.

After - At Home

At first, discomfort in the wound will prevent you from harming yourself by lifting things that are too heavy. After one month you can lift as much as you used to lift before your operation. There is no value in attempting to speed the recovery of the wound by special exercises before the month is out. You can drive as soon as you can make an emergency stop without discomfort in the wound, i.e. after about 10 days. You may restart sexual relations within a week or two, when the wound is healed. You should be able to return to a light job after about two weeks and any heavy job within four weeks.

Possible Complications

If you have this operation under general anaesthetic, there is a very small risk of complications related to your heart and lungs. The tests that you will have before the operation will make sure that you can have the operation in the safest possible way and will bring the risk for such complications very close to zero.

If you have an anaesthetic injection in the back, there is a very small chance of a blood clot forming on top of your spine which can cause a feeling of numbness or pins and needles in your legs. The clot usually dissolves on its own and this solves the problem. Extremely rarely, the injections can cause permanent damage to your spine.

Complications are rare and seldom serious. Bruising and swelling may be troublesome, particularly if the hydrocele was large. The swelling may be as large as the hydrocele. The swelling may take four to six weeks to settle down. Close fitting Jockey-type underpants are often helpful. Infection is a rare problem and settles down with antibiotics in a week or two.

Another very rare complication is infertility (the inability to make a woman pregnant). This happens because the structures that carry the sperm from the testes can be damaged during this operation. If fertility is still important for you, then you should discuss the possibility of this rare complication with your surgeon. The chances of the hydrocele coming back again is less than 1 in 20.

General Advice

Do leave yourself enough time to get over the operation. Practically all patients are back to their normal duties within one month. These notes should help you through your operation. They are a general guide. They do not cover everything. Also, all hospitals and surgeons vary a little. If you have any queries or problems, please ask the doctors or nurses.

To get free no obligation Quote For Pilonidal Sinus Surgery in India :

Click Here
Phone Numbers Reach Us-
India & International : +91-9860755000 / +91-9371136499
UK : +44-2081332571
Canada & USA : +1-4155992537

Some of the common countries from which patients travel to India for surgery are:

AustraliaNew ZealandNigeria
Sri LankaBangladeshPakistan

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