11 years old Megha got a new life after treated successfully for Spine Surgery in India 2025

By | February 1, 2020

Megha, 11 years old, lives an ecstatic to stand in her feet again and can retake the baby steps to freedom. She was born in a low-income family in Parbhani, India was diagnosed three years ago with a congenital spinal deformity called Kyphoscoliosis, a deformity of the spinal cord by abnormal curvature of the vertebral column since birth.

11 years old Megha got a new life after treated successfully for Spine Surgery in India

This conditioned weakened her legs to the extent that standing became the most significant task for, and walking was way impossible for her. Her parents were in concern for her, and they used to take her to a check-up every month. But earlier this week, Megha underwent spinal correction surgery, which was a complicated surgery underwent at the state-run Sassoon general hospital. The surgery lasted for 7 hours and took place under a team of experts and orthopedic spine surgeons at the hospital and corrected Megha’s spinal curvature.

This was the fifth successful spinal surgery in India conducted at the hospital. The team of spinal surgery led by Ajay Chandanwale dean of the hospital, who has successfully performed more than 600 complex and simple spinal surgery in India over the last three years.

Ajay Chandanwale, after the examination, found that Megha had a half-malformed vertebra at the mid-back since birth. She has developed a spine of20 cm above and below the level to develop into abnormal curvature. Due to this condition, Megha started losing power in both the lower limbs.

Ajay Chandanwale, dean of the hospital, said, “the patient had the deformity and needs to be corrected, my team and experts were into their job of making the Congenital spinal deformity corrected. Scoliosis is the lateral curvature of the spine; the curve progresses during puberty. When the child shows signs of the uneven level of the shoulder, uneven waist leaning on one side or rib hump on the back on bending forward, then it needs to be checked. The patient earlier have a small curve which is managed by the braces, if it exceeds more than 40-50 degree, then surgery is recommended.”

The department of Sassoon general hospital carried out the complex surgery with the help of the team, and Ajay Chandanwale credited all the success to the excellent anesthesia team, comprising Yogeh Gavali, Suraj Jadhavar. The patient was monitored in the recently opened trauma ICU.

For further procedures, Megha was brought to the hospital one and a half months ago. After all her medical checkups, then surgery date was decided on December 4 by the concerned doctor. After her successful complex spinal surgery, “Megha starts feeling the sensation that weakness in her legs starts to reduce soon after her surgery,” said orthopedic spine surgeon Ambarish Mathesul. There were other operative team members comprises of orthopedic surgeons Rahul Puranik, Swapnil Bhise, Yagnik Jadhav, it also includes nurse Surekha Kumbhar and operation theatre assistant Ashok Sarode.

“Scoliosis, a lateral spinal curvature, is more prevalent in girls rather than boys. The curve typically develops through puberty. Though school health checkups, it can easily be detected as the child shows signs of irregular shoulder level, noticeable shoulder blade and uneven waist leaning or a rib hump on the back bent forward,” Chandanwale said. Most adolescent patients have small curves that can be managed with braces. However, if the curve exceeds 40-50 degrees, then the operation is suggested; he further continued.

Sassoon General Hospital’s orthopedics department carries out various other complex and simple surgeries like joint replacements, arthroscopies (hip, knee & shoulder) on a daily basis to complete the highest successful surgeries.

Source: https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/hospitals/sassoon-doctors-perform-complex-spine-surgery-give-11-year-old-girl-a-new-life/45472625