Now a day for impressive and better health claims individuals are getting more attractive towards supplements. Similarly there are some supplements that can help you manage your back and neck pain. But like any other method, supplements do have a hidden side along with having benefits; there are also some hidden facts about supplement that you are not aware about at first place. Some individual get benefit from supplement, while others face some side-effects, some supplements are completely safe, while other needs to consume with some cautions.
Supplements are nothing but an alternative type of treatment options. Here we are considering both types of supplement which includes:
- Dietary supplements
- Herbal supplements
Dietary Supplement: An Overview
Dietary supplements are one of the best alternative treatment options for those are suffering from neck and back pain which is not effectively treated with pain relievers. For inflammation and pain there are many herbs and dietary supplements are advertised for treatment. There are some individuals who get positive results from the herbal as well as dietary supplements in reducing and even relieving completely from the pain. But on the other hand it is crucial to know that these supplements are not magic pills which can treat pain or depression including the painful and chronic spine-related disorders.
Dietary Supplements
Eating a healthy diet with full of whole grains, vegetables and fruits assists you in having and maintaining a good body shape. Foods like green and leafy vegetables which are high in anti-oxidants are proved helpful in fighting with inflammation. Some of the supplements are listed below here, which till date proved to be most effective for the people in getting rid of the pain and inflammation. But in order to avoid any kind of risks and side-effects you might need to your consultant dietician.
Some Dietary Supplements
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: This dietary supplement is ideal for the whole body which of course involve spine, and in addition to this provides benefits for brain and heart also. It helps in lessening the inflammation and also provides assistance to the fluid in between different parts of body. This little fluid offers comfort and support.
Glucosamine: The patients who are experiencing back-pain are always prescribed to have this supplement. This supplement has the property of offering support to each disc in the spine. When you consume it as prescribed you will get the effective support to avoid the pain and to reduce the inflammation.
Curry: Spice is what which referred with the word curry. With the backing of a study which is recently done at UCLA, it is proved that people who are consuming food with high in spices are having the better overall back and spinal health. The reason behind this is that the spices helps in relieving overall body inflammation, offers more mobility and lending lesser pain. The best thing about this supplement is that you can easily it in your food to consume.
Herbal Supplement:
Herbal supplements are now utilized from centuries by almost all of the cultures ever exist in this world. These supplements are purely natural as are made with the composition herbs. Herbs are the plants with a distinctive aroma, flavor and medicinal advantages. If you are suffering from neck and back pain you can opt out for herbal supplements instead of conventional prescribed drugs.
However, still in early age we are consuming dietary supplement and vitamins in order to meet our basic needs of nutrition, herbal supplements are offering with some medicinal advantages also. Generally speaking, herbs can allow you to have back and neck with relieved pain and reduced inflammation.