Dr. Anjan Siotia
Cardiology Surgery
Dr. Arvind G Kulkarni

BBS (India), MRCP (UK), MD (UK), CCDS (USA), CCT (Cardiology, UK)
Areas of Specialization
Interventional Cardiology
Complex coronary angioplasties including Left Main disease,
Bifurcation Angioplasty and Chronic total Occlusion
Specialized in using the complex devices like rot ablator, distal protection device and IVUS, ASD and PFO closure
Work Experience / Achievements
Worked as a specialist registrar in cardiology at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust for 6 years.
Given training in all aspects of invasive and non-invasive cardiology
Worked as a research fellow in cardiology at Sheffield University
Performed more than1000 coronary angioplasties including 250 primary angioplasties and complex left main cases.
Presented more than 25 publications in international peer reviewed journals
Presented research paper at various international conferences including Euro PCR, British Cardiac Society,Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Conference, American College of Cardiology Conference, European Society of Cardiology, International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Presentations / Publication
C Malkin; J Gunn; V George; M Ghobrial; A Krishnan; A Siotia; T Raina; A Morton. Residual SYNTAX score after PCI for triple vessel coronary artery disease: quantifying the adverse effect of incomplete revascularisation- accepted by Eurointervention.
A Siotia; A Morton; C Malkin; T Raina; J. Gunn. Simultaneous kissing drug-eluting stents to treat unprotected left main stem bifurcation disease: long term outcome in 148 consecutive patients- accepted by Eurointervention.
J. Gunn; A Siotia; C Malkin; J Iqbal; T Raina; A Morton. Novel use of a pericardium covered stent graft to treat massive intra coronary thrombus- accepted by Catheterisation and Cardiovascular Interventions.
M Ghobrial; T Raina; C Malkin; A Siotia; A Morton; J Gunn. Syntax score does not add to clinical risk score in a typical PCI patient. J Am Coll Cardio 2011(58): B111.
J Gunn, A Siotia, C Malkin; T Raina; A Morton. Left main bifurcation stenting: Long term follow-up of simultaneous kissing stents in 140 consecutive unselected patients. J Am Coll Cardio2011(58): B84.
Siotia A, Morton A, Gunn J. Simultaneous kissing paclitaxel eluting stents to treat left main bifurcation stenosis- Medium term outcomes in 140 consecutive patients. American Journal of Cardiology. 2009;104(6) TCT 281.
Siotia A, Morton A, Mofidi C, Wales C, Newman C, Gunn J. Targeting drug-eluting stents to lesions at high risk of restenosis: a flawed approach? Heart. 2007 Feb;93(2):251-2.
Siotia A, Morton A, Arnold N, Korgul P, Bowles J, Heppenstall J, Gunn J. Simultaneous kissing stent technique to treat left main stem bifurcation disease. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2007 Feb 1;69(2):209- 15.
Siotia A, Buckland R, Judge H, Sastry P, Storey R. Utility of a whole blood single platelet counting assay to monitor the effects of tirofiban in patients with acute coronary syndrome scheduled for coronary intervention. Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2006 Jun;95(6):997-1002.
Siotia A, Gunn J. Risk scoring for PCI: let's do it. Heart. 2006 Nov;92(11):1539-40
Siotia A, Muthusamy R. Easy yet so easily missed. British Medical Journal. 2005 May 7;330:1070-1.
Siotia A, Hancock P, Gunn J. Estimating the risk of percutaneous coronary intervention. British Journal of Cardiology;2006; 13:AIC39-45.
Siotia A, Muthusamy R. Neurogenic Atrial Fibrillation. British Journal of Cardiology;2004;11(2):156-157.
Siotia A, Gunn J, Muthusamy R, Campbell S. Acute myocardial infarction in young patients: The culprit is not always a ruptured atherosclerotic plaque. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2007; 61(9):1580-82.
Lynch G, Clinton S, Siotia A. Anaesthesia and Alstrom's Syndrome.Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. 2007Apr; 35(2): 305-6
Siotia A, Chaudhuri A, Muzulu S, Harling D, Muthusamy R. Postoperative hypoxia in a woman with Down's syndrome: case outcome. British Medical Journal. 2005 May 7;330:1068.
Siotia A, Chaudhuri A, Muzulu S, Harling D, Muthusamy R. Postoperative hypoxia in a woman with Down's syndrome: case progression. British Medical Journal. 2005 Apr 16;330:888.
Siotia A, Chaudhuri A, Muzulu S, Harling D, Muthusamy R. Postoperative hypoxia in a woman with Down's syndrome: case presentation. British Medical Journal, 2005 Apr 9;330:834.
Siotia A, Morton A, Gunn J. Simultaneous kissing stents to treat left main bifurcation stenosis- medium term outcome. Journal of American College of Cardiology. 2008; 51 (suppl B) B47.
Morton A, Siotia A, Gunn J. Left main stem PCI: The first 250 patients from Sheffield unselected consecutive registry. Heart. 2008; 94(suppl 2) A247
Siotia A, Morton A, Gunn J. Simultaneous kissing stents (Shotgun stent) to treat left main bifurcation stenosis. Heart 2007; 93 (suppl 1) A239.
Siotia A, Morton A, Mofidi C, Wales C, Newman C, Gunn J. The impact of a policy of selective drug eluting stent implantation upon clinical restenosis: A 'real world' registry. Heart 2006; 92 (suppl II) A98.
Siotia A, Morton A, Gunn J. Shotgun stenting of left main bifurcation stenosis. Heart 2006; 92 (suppl II) A99.
Siotia A, Morton A, Gunn J. Shotgun stenting of left main bifurcation stenosis. Journal of American College of Cardiology, 2006;47 (suppl B) 15B.
Siotia A, Morton A, Gunn J. Shotgun stenting of left main bifurcation stenosis. Journal of American College of Cardiology, 2006;47 (suppl B) 15B.
Siotia A, Morton A, Gunn J. Shotgun stenting of left main bifurcation stenosis. Journal of American College of Cardiology, 2006;47 (suppl B) 15B.
Soo L, Siotia A, Brummit D, Barker H. Platelet morphological changes in acute myocardial infarction and its relationship to ST segment changes during thrombolysis. Heart 2004; 90 (supp II)A31