Dr. Sameer Kaul
Surgical Oncology, Surgical Oncology
Languages spoken:
English, Hindi
Primary Place of Work:
Artemis Health Institute

MBBS, MS Surgical Oncology, AEPF (London)
Brief Profile
Director - Surgical Oncology
Sep.1993 - April 1995 Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre, New Delhi, India Senior Resident Surgical OncologistIt was my responsibility to conduct outpatient services, operating schedules and care for a substantial inpatient's material with the help of other colleagues. Weekly case presentations and research work were some of the activities worth mentioning.
Nov.1992 - Mar. 1993 Royal Marsden Hospital London,UK Commonwealth FellowThe job involved participation Incomprehensive management of head and neck cancers at a Senior Registrar (N.H.S.) level. I was exposed to a wide range of complex ablative and reconstructive procedures. Attendance and contribution to weekly case discussions, unit audits, and journal club meetings was mandatory.
Jul. 1992-Oct. 1992 Luton & Dunstable Hospital Bedfordshire, UK, Clinical Attachment Apart from Insight into routine General Surgical work at a district general hospital level, I gained specific experience in the management of early breast cancer at the Regional Breast Screening Service and an active participation in Laparoscopic surgery.
Jul.1991-Oct. 1991 B. Nanavati Hosp.& Medical Reserch Centre, Mumbai, India, Registrar in Oncology
Aug.1990-Jan 1991 Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India
Postgraduate Student in Head & Neck Surgery Feb.1990-Aug 1990 King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India
Postgraduate Student in Head & Neck Surgery Aug.1988-Jan. 1990 B. Nanavati Hosp. & Medical Research Centre, Mumbai, India
House Surgeon in General Surgery Feb.1988-Jul. 1988 Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India Postgraduate Student in Head & Neck Surgery
Jun.1987-Jan. 1988 K.N.H. Shere Kashmir National Medical Institute Trust,J&K, India
Resident Medical Officer Jan.1985-Jun. 1987 J & K Health services, J & K, India
Assistant Surgeon in General Surgery Jan.1985-Jun.1987 S.M.H.S. Hospital Kashmir J & K, lndia
House Surgeon in General Surgery Oct.1983-Oct. 1984 Government Medical College & Associated Hosp. J & K, India.