Dr. Arun Saroha
Neurosciences, Neurosciences
Languages spoken:
English, Hindi
Primary Place of Work:
Artemis Health Institute

Medical School: MBBS, Rabindra Nath Tagore (RNT) Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Post Graduate Training: MS (General Surgery), Rabindra Nath Tagore (RNT) Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Super Specialty Training: M.Ch (Neurosurgery) PGIMER, Chandigarh, India Visiting Fellow: Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
2009 Delhi - International Conference on Lumbar Inter vertebral Disc
2008 Delhi - Xth Annual Conference of DNACON
2008 Jaipur - International Symposium on Thoracolumbar Spinal Diseases
2007 Delhi - AO Spine basic course
2007 Delhi - Webb seminar: Side loading for Spinal Correction
2007 Ahmedabad - Workshop on Advanced Instrumentation in Spine
2007 Ahmedabad - XX Annual Conference of ASICON
2006 Chandigarh - 8th Annual Conference of Skull Base Surgery Society of India
2006 Delhi - 6th Asian Conference of Neurological Surgeons
2005 Delhi - International Symposium on "Current Trends in Neuromuscular Disorders" at AIIMS
2004 Gurgaon - HAPICON
2003 Chandigarh - 52nd Annual Conference of NSI
2003 Chandigarh - 3rd Annual Conference of ISCS
2001 Delhi - Annual AIIMS Micro Neurosugery workshop
1999 Bhubaneswar - XXXII Annual Conference of Urological Society of India
1998 Ahmedabad - 58th Annual Conference of ASICON
1997 Udaipur - Mid term conference of Indian Association of Surgical Oncology
1997 Mumbai - 30th Annual Conference of the Urological Society of India
1997 Udaipur - Golden Independence Conference
1991 Udaipur - Indo US Symposium & Workshop on Critical Care Medicine
Brief Profile
Dr. Arun Saroha is working as Neurosurgeon with a special interest in spine surgery for the last 10 years.
He specializes in Neurooncology, Paediatric Neurosurgery, Neurotrauma, Stroke & Cerebrovascular surgery. He has been performing instrumented/ Non instrumentation spine surgeries including minimally invasive techniques for more than 10 years. He has performed more than 5000 Neurosurgeries successfully till date.
He specializes in:
Degenerative spine disorders
Craniovertebral junction anomalies
Spine trauma
Spine disorders
He has established a "Safe Spine Surgery Centre" where they train young surgeons for newer techniques.
Previous Professional Appointment:
Consultant Neurosurgeon at VIMHANS, New Delhi (2003 - 2005)
Chief Neurosurgeon at Privat VIMHANS Neurosciences centre, Gurgaon, Haryana.
Consultant Neurosurgeon at PARAS Hospitals, Gurgaon (2006 - 2008)
Consultant Neurosurgeon at Artemis Health Institute (2008 - 2010)
Head, Unit of Spine Surgery & Neurosurgery at Artemis Health Institute (2010 - till date)
Previous Professional Appointment:
Consultant Neurosurgeon at VIMHANS, New Delhi (2003 - 2005)
Chief Neurosurgeon at Privat VIMHANS Neurosciences centre, Gurgaon, Haryana.
Consultant Neurosurgeon at PARAS Hospitals, Gurgaon (2006 - 2008)
Consultant Neurosurgeon at Artemis Health Institute (2008 - 2010)
Head, Unit of Spine & Neurosurgery at Artemis Health Institute (2010 - till date)
Professional Training Activities:
World Federation of Neurological Society (WFNS) Course
AO Principal Course
AO Advanced Course
AO Masters. Course
AO Tips for Trainers
AO Advanced Course - Davos
Synthes Skeletal workshops
Neurological society of India
North American Spine Society
Association of Spine Surgeons of India
AO Spine - Asia Pacific Delegate
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Walter E Dandy Neurological Society
Neurological Spinal Surgeons Society of India
Spinal Cord Society
Association of Surgeons of India
Neurotrauma society of India
Honors and Awards
Faculty at ASSICON, 2012, New Delhi
Visiting Faculty for training of Neurosurgeons at Al Kindi University, Baghdad, 2012
Visiting Faculty for training of doctors at Baghdad University , Baghdad 2011
Visiting Faculty at Ferdinand Church University, Lagos, Nigeria, 2010
Guest Speaker on Role of Modern Neurosurgery in multidisciplinary approach for trauma, Gurgaon
Guest Speaker on Degenerative Spine disorders & management at PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana.
Guest Speaker on Near Zero Mortality in Elective Neurosurgery at IMA Rewari, Haryana.
Delegate North India, AO Spine India
Awarded "Best Spine Surgeon" by BIG RESEARCH AWARDS at New Delhi 2013
Best Scientific Paper Award on "Brain Tumor Research" at Annual Conference of NSI, 2003
Awarded "Best Resident for Critical Care in Neurosurgery at PGIMER" 2002
Best Scientific Paper at IASO Conference, 1996
Clinical Focus
Spine and neurosurgical emergenciesSpine trauma
Degenerative disorders
Brain tumor
Neuro oncology
Brain tumor surgery and Neuro-oncology
Critical care in spine and neurosurgical emergencies
Instrumentation and fixation in spinal trauma
Spine surgery in degenerative disorders
Spine trauma surgery